12 Advanced English Words to Add to Your Vocabulary with “A Place for Us”


If you like reading and find it easier to learn new English words in context, this post is perfect for you. Today we're reading A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza. The book is about a Muslim Indian-American family and explores the events and choices made by each of the family members that led to the son’s estrangement. It is a beautiful, slow-paced, literary family drama with a lot of introspection and tenderness. You can find out more about the book here.

We'll be reading three excerpts from the first chapter of the book. We’ll be breaking down the passages and learning twelve advanced English words. I'll provide simple definitions and show you how these words can be used in everyday situations.

If you enjoy the snippets and want to know where the plot goes, I encourage you to pick up a copy. Take your time with it, enjoy the journey, and watch your vocabulary grow along the way!

I teach 1-on-1 online English classes and help my students expand their vocabulary and improve their fluency. If you like reading, I highly recommend my 10-week Book Club Course. Watch your English skills reach new heights while reading and discussing a great book!

Excerpt 1

“He hadn’t expected his smile to mirror those who seemed happy to see him. Nor had he anticipated the startling comfort in the familiarity of their faces. It had really been three years. Had it not been for his sister’s call, he might have allowed even more years to pass before summoning the courage to return.”

Vocabulary List

✨to anticipate

📚regard as probable; expect or predict

ex. They were anticipating a huge turnout at the event.


📚very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable

ex. The startling realization hit him that he forgot to pick up his daughter from school.


📚close acquaintance with or knowledge of something

ex. Their familiarity with each other made it easier to work together.

✨to summon

📚bring to the surface (a particular quality or reaction) from within oneself

ex. They summoned up the will to start.

Excerpt 2

“The wedding was coming together wonderfully. People were arriving on time. There was a table for mango juice and pineapple juice and another for appetizers, replenished as soon as the items were lifted from the platter. White orchids spilled from tall glass vases on every table. Little golden pouches of gifts waited on each seat for guests to claim.”

Vocabulary List

✨to replenish

📚restore (a stock or supply) to a former level or condition

ex. If you are dehydrated, drinking water can help you replenish your fluids.

✨to spill

📚(with reference to the contents of something) empty out or be emptied out on to a surface

ex. When I dropped my bag, all of its content spilled out on the ground.

english words pouch


📚a small bag or other flexible receptacle, typically carried in a pocket or attached to a belt

✨to claim

📚request or demand; say that one owns or has earned (something)

ex. You can claim your reward at the front desk.

Excerpt 3

“He stepped out beneath the arched doorway, past the children playing, past the elevators, until the shenai quieted. He had forgotten what it was like to move through a crowd feeling like a hypocrite among them, aware of the scrutinizing gaze of his father, expecting Amar to embarrass him, anticipating the lie he would tell before he even spoke.”

Vocabulary List


📚 a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs

ex. He’s a hypocrite for claiming he’s vegan while eating steak every day.

✨to scrutinize

📚examine or inspect closely and thoroughly

ex. Scrutinizing the details might be a good idea before making your final decision.


📚a steady intent look

ex. Her gaze followed the mysterious figure until it disappeared into thin air.

✨to anticipate

📚regard as probable; expect or predict

ex. They were anticipating poor reviews but the show turned out to be a success.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and learned a few new words. If you enjoyed the excerpts, make sure to pick up a copy of the book and continue reading to further  improve your English!


Featured book: A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza

The word definitions in this blog post are by Oxford Languages and Britannica


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